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L'elisir che ringiovanisce i vasi sanguigni  1- La melaE’ popolare il detto che dice “Una mela al giorno, toglie il medico di torno”, lo avete sicuramente sentito;Beh confermiamo questo detto, perché mangiare una mela al giorno aiuta a sbloccare le arterie che hanno accumulato grassi e lipidi sulle loro “pareti” chiamate ateroma. Inoltre la mela ha capacità antiossidanti che ne riduce il rischio di malattie cardiovascolari.2- Pesce azzurroI cosiddetti pesce azzurri sono quei pesci grassi, tendenzialmente di colore blu come lo sgombro, l’alice, la sardina, che sono ricchi di Omega3. Essi aiutano a ridurre la pressione sanguigna che permette all’arteria...

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Beets are very nutritious and useful for cardiovascular diseases root crops. It was found that some unique pigmented antioxidants in this root and its upper green shades provide protection against coronary heart disease and stroke, reduce cholesterol in the body and have anti-aging effects.Botanically, this tuberous root crop belongs to the amaranth family, in a beta genus. Its scientific name is Beta vulgaris. Swiss chard is another representative of the beta genus grown because of its edible leaves. Beets are small herbaceous plants with wide dark green leaves. Its underground root crop ripens in 50-60 days of sowing and weighs...

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All of us would have grown memories of watching our favorite cartoon characters. One such character would be Popeye the Sailor, who touted the importance of spinach, which made him strong to fight against the big bully Bluto to save his girlfriend Olive.So, here is a special day on which we celebrate the importance of this green leaf spinach. March 26th is celebrated as national spinach day.Not only does Popeye gain immense strength from his beloved spinach, but anyone who decides to treat himself to this green leaf will benefit from the physical and dental health of spinach.The benefits of...

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The health benefits of milk are to improve bone strength, smooth skin and strengthen the immune system. It helps in the prevention of diseases such as hypertension, tooth decay, dehydration, breathing problems, obesity, osteoporosis, and even some forms of cancer. Healthy nutrients derived from milk are essential for the human body and help prevent a number of chronic diseases.What is milk?Simply put, milk is the liquid that mammals create in the mammary glands to feed their babies. The reason mammals have this is because their children naturally must eat until they are strong enough or old enough to get their...

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Like natural energy boosters, almonds come with good nutrition, like so many nuts, but its high fiber, vitamin E, protein and other important ingredients can make them the best part of the mix. In fact, scientists have identified approximately 130 (!) Different nutrients in these modest seeds.So, although the fat content may look alarming, don’t worry. These are mainly mono- and polyunsaturated substances that are good for your heart - and this is just the beginning of what almonds can do.Nutrition statisticsServing Size: 1 Cup Sliced ​​Almonds533 calories46 g total fat (71% DV)3.5 g saturated fat (17% DV)29 g monounsaturated...

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